Sunday, May 10, 2009

The 3 hour gardener

As a novice gardener anyway, gardening in Alabama is very different to the UK. The first point that I realised is that you can only enjoy gardening before 12 noon in the summer months otherwise one is transformed into a sweaty red skinned dehydrated mess. This of course is very different from the casual pottering about for an afternoon in the UK.

Secondly the plants are slightly different here and need looking after in a different way. watering, sun, shade are all handled slightly differently for the same plants requirements. While in the UK we might try and create nuclear temperature glass houses to make our Tomatoes grow, here they pretty much can sit in a pot in direct sunlight and receive good rain water whenever it rains. Which is greatly more simple than having to water them each evening in a greenhouse - usually when it is raining outside.

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